With 18+ years as an environmental educator, activist and advocate, Lisa is positioned to lead customized projects. She brings ingenuity, organization, innovation and creative leadership. All these skills plus 8 years project management experience are in her repertoire, plus she's a:
- Game-Changing Leader & Trainer – Strong presentation skills; 6yrs classroom instructor; 5yrs technical trainer
- Passionate Nonprofit Specialist – Accountable for $3-5M budget – Worked for 6 – Served 5 terms on 3 Boards
- Reliable Volunteer Leader/Co-Leader Albuquerque Citizens’ Climate Lobby Chapter 9yrs
- Collaborative Community Builder – Instigator – Love creating new campaigns
- Skillful Networker – United 23 environmental groups into Albuquerque Climate Coalition
- Creative training materials designer
- Proficient Independent Consultant 13+ years – Excel at flexibility and multi-tasking
- Resourceful problem solver – Logistics expert – Engaging liaison with internal and external stakeholders – Capable time management proficiencies
She has particularly strong youth leadership and marketing skills – Girls Gone Green is an example:
GGG was an educational program to coordinate and mobilize 5th–8th grade girls from a Title I school for environmental awareness and action. They attended over 20 public events where they educated adults bilingually on energy efficiency and generated Carbon Footprints for them. They were invited to participate in a TV commercial for PNM, and were featured in PSA’s that the NM State Environment Department broadcast via 30 radio stations throughout the state on energy efficiency. They entered two EPA competitions, and were recognized by President and Mrs. Obama and former NM Governor Richardson. GGG won an Aldo Leopold environmental film contest with a film that Lisa wrote, directed, filmed and edited. She was also invited to participate in an EPA Regional Round Table for Environmental Educators to share GGG’s accomplishments. Instigating, implementing, creating and distributing press releases and promoting this organization were solely her responsibilities for three years.